Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A shoe was thrown by one reporter
To strike a blow at W.
Too bad he didn’t lob a mortar
And turn the THE MAN into fondue.
The mainstream press is so housebroken
They emphasized George Bush’s jokin'.
But throwing shoes are an attempt
Iraquis use to show contempt.
For what can show a man’s more sordid
Than soles of shoes that pick up dirt
And blood from people that he's hurt.
Too bad that anger’s not exported
Back home where it won’t be a joke
When buckaroos go up in smoke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SHOEcide Attack On BUSHoe

Mr Failure: Much Ado About The Iraqi SHOE!

My adieu with much ado
I could boo boo boo
Iraqis coo coo coo
Afghanis I do I do I do
This amBUSH is on me, a meek ewe
On Saddam and me, this missile flew
I say, democratically glue the goo
I am game for shoes of any hue
Throw And Duck game, we imbue
All Muslims, Christians and Jew
I know, I will know, I knew
Excuse me; I have to go to loo
About this historic event, I moo
Oh yeah, just now (Och aye the noo)
Funny but Size 10 was long overdue
Don’t pooh-pooh this poo
Now, to play shoe games, people queue
Inflation is over, shoe price increase in review
My sole will ever rest in this Iraqi shoe
Which the journo accurately threw
It missed me, I wish it was untrue
America in new light, now world will view
I wonder, now me no one will woo
Neither Iraqis, Afghanis or Mr Xu
Merry Xmas, Happy New Year – yahoo!
Welcome, welcome to the Bush zoo