Wednesday, August 22, 2007


They say that jumpers when they’re falling
About the time they’re halfway down
Can’t quite recall life so appalling
They’d end it as a common noun.
Of course by then impetuosity
Is reaching terminal velocity;
And thus too late for them to quit,
The sidewalk makes them a smash hit.
And though their ending is quite frightful
Before they reached the bitter end
They’d finally come to comprehend
That life might really be delightful.
Too bad they can’t say “ live and learn”
Until the point of no return.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

Anonymous said...

Yes, "live and learn" no matter how difficult, live and learn.

Anonymous said...

I think I will do it, because nothing really matters...

Bob Tanner said...

You really did not get the idea behind my verse. You should read it again and think about what I wrote.

Bob Tanner

Someone said...

Saw your comment at HuffPost on "Confidential Federal Audits Accuse Five Biggest Mortgage Firms Of Defrauding Taxpayers".

I also like to write poetry - into limericks right now. I picked this old poem of yours - not because of the subject matter, but because it has so many comments (4!), the most recent just a month ago, with your response. I hope that that guy was kidding about doing it - he really didn't get the point of your poem.

Here's a little poem of appreciation (everyone can use some now and then):

There's online a poet named Bob
Who's doing a pretty good job
His po-ems he shares
on all State Affairs
And various thingamabobs

He writes about one every day
'Cause he's got a whole lot to say
About what goes on
Down under the sun
For him it just seems like child's play!

I don't see that many comment
On all of his brilliant content
Well, that's such a shame
Absent is his fame
But seems like that's not his intent

He writes 'cause that's what he enjoys
And not just to make lots of noise
He spends lots of time
Just making words rhyme
'Cause verse is his play, words his toys!

Bob Tanner said...


Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write.


Someone said...

Time, yes; trouble not,
Express - rhymes jot!

Anonymous said...

When you start with such a singular liaison, how can you not be lonely when it’s gone?